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Follow-Up Appointments that sell Web sites

Follow-Up Appointments
¨ It's best to set a follow-up call as soon as possible after the presentation.
¨ Always create a sense of urgency (I will put a request to leave the site up for XX amount of days).
¨ If the prospect's partner was not on Walk-Through, try to schedule a time when all Decision Makers (DM’s) can participate on the follow-up call. *Always remember that chances of closing are very slim without all DM's being present.
¨ When calling back a prospect, never start with an open-ended question. Often times, they will lead to a “NO” or “Not Yet”.   

Open Ended Questions to AVOID when calling back a prospect:
¨ “Are you ready yet?”
¨ “Did you have a chance to talk to your partner?”
¨ "Do you want to get this started?”

**INSTEAD, call back and talk about (in detail) a direct benefit that will help their business. If possible, have them pull up the website, log-in and take them directly to that feature and discuss the direct benefits …

¨ “I know how important the search engines are to you, so I want to give you some insight on how the contact management system works once we help drive traffic to your site.”

¨ “I know how important the catalog/e-commerce solution was to you, I wanted to give you some insight on how the order export/important system is going to work when it comes to keeping track of inventory.

¨ “I know how important the catalog/e-commerce solution was to you, I wanted to give you some insight on how the order export/important system is going to work when it comes to keeping track of inventory.

¨ “I know how important the catalog/e-commerce solution was to you, I wanted to give you some insight on how the contact manager will help you keep your prospects coming back to your site.”

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